
斯坦的 & Doheny Eye Institutes 和 their affiliated Eye Centers rank among the very best in the nation for teaching, 研究, 病人护理.



成立于1966年, the 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校斯坦眼科研究所 vision-science campus is the fulfillment of an ambitious plan by ophthalmologist, 商人, 以及慈善家朱尔斯·斯坦, MD, 布拉德利·R. 斯特, MD, JD, founding 他是斯坦因眼科研究所所长 和 founding chairman of the UCLA Department of 眼科学, who created a bold plan for preventing blindness through comprehensive programs for patient care, 视觉科学研究, 教育 和 training of the next generation of physicians, 和 eye health outreach both local 和 global.



To find out more about our eye care services, contact your 提供者.


UCLA Department of 眼科学 award-winning clinicians 和 vision scientists are dedicated to the preservation of sight 和 prevention of blindness.


皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校斯坦和多亨尼眼科研究所, 他们的附属中心, 和 UCLA-affilliated hospitals provide patients across the Southl和 with access to the finest vision care.


个人贡献, 公司, 和 foundations provide UCLA Department of 眼科学 faculty with the resources necessary to record noteworthy achievements consistently in 研究, 教育, 创新的病人护理.


条件 & 治疗

UCLA's Stein 和 Doheny Eye Institutes specialists are available to evaluate a wide variety of eye conditions, 从近视, 对于眼肌疾病, 视网膜疾病. Our broad scope of expertise makes us an especially good choice for those who have complex conditions or want a second opinion.


Many eye 研究 studies in the UCLA Department of 眼科学 are classified as patient-based clinical 研究. These studies often represent the final stages of 研究 prior to dissemination to the ophthalmology community for use with the general population. All studies have been reviewed 和 approved by the Federal Drug Administration 和 the UCLA Human Subject Protection Committee.

2022年居民毕业班 & 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校眼科的研究员


The 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校斯坦和多亨尼眼科研究所 和 the UCLA Department of 眼科学 jointly offer an extensive array of academic courses, 培训项目, 会议, 还有为医科学生举办的研讨会, 眼科居民, 临床和研究人员, 执业医师, 以及相关的医疗保健专业人员. The programs encompass the gamut of ophthalmic 和 vision science 教育 和 offer a stimulating environment for learning 和 meeting degree 和 certificate requirements.


Faculty, staff, colleagues, 和 friends came together on Wednesday, June 15, 2022, to honor Bartly J. Mondino, MD, for his 28 years of illustrious service as chair of the UCLA Department of 眼科学 和 他是斯坦因眼科研究所所长.

除了表彰. Mondino for his many achievements, the event also served as a congratulatory welcome to 安妮·L. 科尔曼,医学博士,博士, as she assumes the leadership roles of chair of the UCLA Department of 眼科学, 他是斯坦因眼科研究所所长, 和 affiliation director of the Doheny Eye Institute.

UCLA Department of 眼科学 celebrates new leadership


安妮科尔曼,医学博士-椅子 & Executive Medical Director of the UCLA Department of 眼科学

满足博士. Anne 科尔曼, chair 和 executive medical director of the UCLA Department of 眼科学

In her new position as Chair of the UCLA Department of 眼科学, 安妮·L. 科尔曼,医学博士,博士, sees it as a privilege 和 duty to share her commitment to healing as many people with eye 和 vision disorders as possible.



We are very excited to be able to offer the UCLA Low Vision 支持 Group to provide emotional 和 functional support to adults coping with sudden or progressive vision loss. The 支持 Group is coordinated by our Stein Eye Institute Vision Rehabilitation Center faculty Drs. 艾娃Bittner梅丽莎春 并且得到了 贾尼斯Goldhaber, a licensed psychotherapist in private practice.  > Download flyer

Kelsey Roelofs, MD - UCLA Department of 眼科学

New Faculty Appointment: Welcome Kelsey Roelofs, MD

我们很高兴地欢迎 Kelsey Roelofs, MD to the faculty of the UCLA Department of 眼科学. Dr. Roelofs will see orbital 和 ophthalmic plastic surgery patients at UCLA Stein Eye Center Santa Monica.

Doheny Eye Institute Vision-Science Institute in Pasadena

Gr和 Opening: Doheny Eye Institute Vision-Science Campus in Pasadena

Doheny眼科研究所, a top-ranked nonprofit organization proudly affiliated with the 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校斯坦眼科研究所, celebrated the gr和 opening of its headquarters in Pasadena on June 23, 2022.


Patients can be seen at Doheny Eye Center UCLA in Arcadia, Orange County 和 Pasadena. Both institutes have earned international recognition for the quality of their patient care 和 研究. U.S. 皇冠hga025 和 World Report's "Best 医院" survey ranked the combined Stein Eye 和 Doheny Eye Institutes as the No. 5 center for ophthalmology based on feedback from specialists in the field.


View all the 条件和治疗 at UCLA Department of 眼科学.


To find out more about our eye care services, call 310-825-5000.